RAL K7 (RAL Classic)

The RAL K7 color chart includes all 216 colors from the RAL Classic color collection. In this color chart, 5 colors are displayed on each color page, including the RAL color codes and the English color names. The K7 includes the color names in English, German, French, Spanish and Chinese. Thanks to its compact size, the K7 color fan is convenient to use and easy to take with you, for example during work.
The K7 is available in one version. The color samples in this color chart have a gloss finish. The color chart is supplied with matching, protective packaging. The RAL K7 color chart contains 193 solid colors, 15 pearlescent colors, 6 fluorescent colors, 1 micaceous iron color and 1 metallic color.
The RAL K7 color fan has been in use for decades and has proven to be a valuable tool for comparing colors and creating appealing color combinations. The RAL K7 color chart is used worldwide in multiple industries, including industry, design, architecture and trade. With all RAL products, you can be sure that the color samples are 100% accurate.
From 100 pieces it’s possible to personalize the RAL K7, for example using your own front and/or back. Feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities.
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- Color chart dimensions (length, width, height): 15 x 5 x 2 cm
- Dimensions color samples: 5 x 2 cm
- 5 colors per page
- Finish color samples: gloss
- Contains 193 solid colors
- Contains 15 pearlescent colors (on 3 color pages at the back of the color chart): RAL 1035, RAL 1036, RAL 2013, RAL 3032, RAL 3033, RAL 4011, RAL 4012, RAL 5025, RAL 5026, RAL 6035, RAL 6036, RAL 7048, RAL 8029, RAL 9022 and RAL 9023
- Contains 6 fluorescent colors (on the last 2 color pages at the back of the color chart): RAL 1026, RAL 2005, RAL 2007, RAL 3024, RAL 3026 and RAL 6038
- Contains 1 micaceous iron color (at the back of the color chart): RAL 9007
- Contains 1 metallic color (at the back of the color chart): RAL 9006
- Including matching protective packaging
- European Article Number (EAN): 4251841500372
- Customs tariff number: 49 11 99 00
Personalized RAL K7
We can provide you with custom-made RAL K7 color fans. This means that you can order RAL K7 color fans with your own front and/or back side. It is also possible to change the pages inside the color fan. We can take care of the design for you (based on your instructions) or you can send us a custom-made PDF file. Please contact us for more information.