RAL E4 (RAL Effect)

The RAL E4 color chart contains all 70 metallic colors from the RAL Effect color collection. Each color page in this color fan shows one complete RAL Effect metallic color. On the back of the color pages the color code and the page number are printed.
The RAL E4 color chart has a size of 12.8 x 5 cm. The RAL E4 color fan is supplied with sturdy packaging, which has a glitter layer on top. Thanks to its compact size, the RAL E4 color chart is easy to take with you, for example to work on site.
From 50 pieces it’s possible to personalize the RAL E4, for example using your own front and/or back. Feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities.
If you are interested in all 490 colors of RAL Effect, we recommend taking a look at the RAL E3 color fan.
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- Color chart dimensions: 12.8 x 5 cm
- 70 metallic colors in high gloss
- Including sturdy packaging with a glitter layer on top
- European Article Number (EAN): 4260298120064
- Customs tariff number: 49 11 99 00
Personalized RAL E4
We can provide you with custom-made RAL E4 color fans. This means that you can order RAL E4 color fans with your own front and/or back side. It is also possible to change the pages inside the color fan. We can take care of the design for you (based on your instructions) or you can send us a custom-made PDF file. Please contact us for more information.