RAL D2 (RAL Design)

The RAL D2 color chart includes all 1,825 colors from the RAL Design System Plus color collection. 8 colors are displayed on each color page in this color fan, including the RAL color codes and the English color names. The D2 includes the color names in English, German, Chinese and Russian.
The D2 is available in one version. The color samples in this color fan have a semi-matt finish. The color chart is supplied in matching, protective packaging with a magnetic closure. In total, the RAL D2 color chart contains 225 color pages. This color chart contains page numbers and a table of contents so that a RAL Design color can be found easily. The RAL D2 color fan has a size of 28.8 x 5 x 5 cm (length, width and height). Each color sample in the color chart has a size of 5 x 2.5 cm.
RAL Design is based on the HLC color space (Hue, Lightness, Chroma). 'Hue' determines the color, 'Lightness' determines the brightness and 'Chroma' determines how colorful the color is. RAL Design offers many possibilities to match a color or select exactly the desired color.
The RAL D2 color chart is mainly used by professionals, for example architects, designers, manufacturers and craftsmen. Thanks to the sturdy packaging, this quality product has a long lifespan.
It’s possible to personalize the RAL D2, for example using your own front and/or back. Feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities.
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- Color chart dimensions (length, width, height): 28.8 x 5 x 5 cm
- Dimensions color samples: 5 x 2.5 cm
- 8 colors per page
- Finish color samples: semi-matt
- Includes matching, protective packaging with magnetic closure
- European Article Number (EAN): 4251841500136
- Customs tariff number: 49 11 99 00
Personalized RAL D2
We can provide you with custom-made RAL D2 color fans. This means that you can order RAL D2 color fans with your own front and/or back side. It is also possible to change the pages inside the color fan. We can take care of the design for you (based on your instructions) or you can send us a custom-made PDF file. Please contact us for more information.