Buy RAL color fan
On this website you can order physical RAL color fans and RAL color sheets at an affordable price. You can have a RAL color fan for only €15.95 excluding VAT. Are you interested in personalized RAL color fans? Then look at the bottom of this page for more information.
Find the RAL color fan you want
Which RAL color collection are you interested in?
Are you interested in all colors or one/a few color(s)?
Which size of the color samples do you prefer?
Which color category are you interested in?
Are you interested in all colors or just the metallic colors?
RAL color fans
RAL K5 gloss
RAL Classic
€44.95 excluding VAT

- 215 RAL Classic colors
- 5 x 15 cm, gloss
- 1 color per page
RAL color sheets
RAL poster
Personalized RAL color fans
We can provide you with custom-made RAL K7, RAL K5 semi-matt, RAL K5 gloss, RAL D2, RAL E3 and RAL E4 color fans. This means that you can order RAL color fans with your own front and/or back side. It is also possible to change the pages inside the color fan. We can take care of the design for you (based on your instructions) or you can send us a custom-made PDF file. Please contact us for more information.