RAL K6 blue (RAL Classic)

A6 color sheets are available for all 216 RAL colors in the RAL Classic color collection. These color sheets are called 'RAL K6'. The color sheets are made in the format DIN-A6 (14.8 x 10.5 cm; a quarter of an A4). These color sheets are ideal for comparing a RAL color next to an object or for use in mood boards/collages, for example.
The front of the RAL K6 fully displays the respective RAL Classic color. The RAL color code is shown on the back, as well as the color names in several languages. The color cards have a semi-matt finish. With the RAL K6 you can easily create and present color combinations. With all RAL products, you can be sure that the color samples are 100% accurate.
We ship this product in a sturdy envelope. If your order contains one or more color charts, we will combine the color sheet(s) and the color chart(s) in the same shipment as much as possible.
If you want to compare many RAL colors, we recommend using a color chart, for example the RAL K7 or the RAL K5 semi-matt / RAL K5 gloss. The RAL K5 contains larger color samples than the RAL K7.
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- Size color chart: 14.8 x 10.5 cm (DIN-A6; quarter A4)
- Available in all 216 RAL Classic colors
- Color sample finish: semi-matt
- Color code and color names on the back of the color card
- Customs tariff number: 49 11 99 00